For Women Only: An Ordinary Woman's Diet, Fitness, Weight and Beauty Log and Diary

I want to glorify Christ in my body, and I am learning how to do that. My name means "womanly," but what does that mean? When I became a new wife and Christian, I went on a mission to understand Biblical womanhood, focusing on her from the inside. In more recent years, as my body succumbed to the pull of glutony, gravity and aging, I am focusing as well on my physical appearance. I am learning how God would have me live as a beautiful woman (and aren't we all?) in this world for His glory.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Day one

Weight this AM: 159
Comments re: weight: it is artifically high. Extra water weight.
Exercise: 1 hr and 45 min. Cycle class and stayed over and cycled more.
Food Selection Choices: Eating too much crap of carbs and sugar and chocolate. I don't feel good inside health-wise. I miss all those fruits and vegies, because I think that those are healthier. I am frustrated that I have a hard time limiting my carbs on "my own," without a regimen.

Diet plans: I'm going to re-start my LA weight loss maintanence plan and it should get me back down to original goal weight of 155. However, I want to get go down to 150 on my scale for several reasons. I have been down to that (actually 148) March of 2005. Then I like, let go of the balloon. Why does that happen? Or, more precisely, why do I do that?

Why I am doing this (note to self): First, 150 is really a more normal weight for me, health-wise. My BMI for normal starts at 153. Also, I think that I will enjoy food more and be in better control at the 150. I don't think that it will actually be harder to maintain a 150 weight, per say. I am able to eat a lot of food at the current weight, and it gets me into a little trouble, because I can eat "extra" and it doesn't really matter. I want to be in better control of everything that I eat. Not that I have to be perfect (obviously), but I want to better watch what I eat. Plus, my husband will like that I will look better in pants, not that he says anything (he is very polically correct). I'll have a thinner feel to my tummy when I lay down and get rid of the little pouch when I am standing and sitting. I will do better at the get-go before I enter menopause and my metabolism declines. I will have less chance of diabetis, and other health problems. I will prevent skin stretching. I will prevent weight from re-accumulating on my face. I will respect myself more which translates to others respecting me more. I am not this body. I have this body on loan. I should take care of it and treat it well.

These are the food selections that I will be having each day, more or less:
Limited fats (2-3), but I've never really monitored those much. It hasn't been that hard avoiding them.
3 starch
2.5 protein
5 vegies
4 fruit
2 dairy
1 LA Weightloss protein bar, which I don't have anymore (maybe I have 2 bars) and can't get anymore, since I finished their program, so I will replace the bar with either another similar type bar or a dairy or protein selection of modest size and quantity, try to have it be protein based but also fun in terms of the palate experience.
lots of water

So far I have had about 4 glasses of water. Now I will start my eating for the day. For breakfast I will have what I typically have enjoyed for breakfast:

yogurt, cheese, prunes, banana, granola on top which is:

2 dairy, 2 fruit, 0.5 starch and we are on our way.

lunch: togo salad: 2 vegie, .5 starch, .5 protein, 1 fat
snack: grapefruit (yummy)
dinner: small cake, chicken breast, cole slaw: 2 starch, 1 protein, 2 vegie

few more glasses of water

time of last eating: 4:30 PM

Total rundown:
2 dairy
no LA bar
3 fruit
4 vegie
3 starch
2 fat (salad dressing and cake)
8 glasses of water (maybe more)

How do I feel now (8:10 PM): good as far as the diet and exercise program goes. Bloated because of the overeating of days past. Maybe the 159 isn't artifically high. Glad to be back on schedule. It has been a hard 24 hours emotionally because of other concerns pressing in on me and I feel irritable. I am listening hard to God.

Verse that touched me the most today: When Haggar said to God that He is the God who sees.
Preaching that most touched me today: When Charles Stanley spoke of the one with the gift of service. It touched my heart a lot. I related that I was one with that gift.

Lesson I want to apply for today: That those with the gift of service can become discouraged because they so much like to see things accomplished. Long range goals can be difficult for them. I need (Like, how?)

But God is good. His eternity is everything. Press on.


At 10:48 PM, Blogger Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

Charles Stanley is awesome. I knew I liked you for a lot of reasons, here's another one. I use Dr. Stanley's In Touch monthly devotional. Iv'e used it daily for years. I love his radio programs too!!!

I do lo-carb. I drink at least 3 quarts of water a day, mostly more! And I'm just getting back to dieting, the holidays were madness!


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