Day Three
Wt: 157.5
Breakfast: 2 starch/1 fat: small piece of that lovely cake (approvimate 1.5 x 1.5 square)richly enjoyed
AM snack: 2 dairy (1 yogurt and 1 cheese), 1 fruit (grapefruit)
Lunch: 2 vegie, 1 fat, 1 protein (togo asian chicken salad)
PM snack: 2 starch, 1 fat (Sees chocolate)
Dinner: 2 starch, 1 fat (Sees chocolate), 1 vegie (small salad)
6 starch = 1 starch may replace a fruit or vegie, but rules say to limit the replacement to once per day. Well, I didn't do that. But just going accounting for the exchange anyway, 6 starch may equal 3 starch + 3 fruit, so we'll say that.
3 starch (but really 6)
4 fruit (bur really 1)
3 vegie (2 not used)
4 fat (2 extra fats used)
2 dairy
0 LA protein bar
no exercise
best Christian Fellowship: prayer with M from 6:02 AM through 6:25 AM
best TV: Walton's 2nd season DVD in car with kids, and American Idol at home with husband and kids
best Christian example applied for today: Queen Ester relaxing in the year of beauty treatments, then just worrying when it was her time to, and using wisdom God gave her at that time to save her people.
best Christian book read: Oswald Chambers who discussed Genesis 15 and 16 and said, "when God gives you a vision and then darkness follows, wait for God." Did he see my post from the other day?
I'm down a pound and a half, from Sunday...prunes...pssstt! I HATE PRUNES...not much of fruit eater, but I absolutely adore veggies!
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