Another day, another week, another month
My scale this morning was 148. It has to be 145 of less or I will be over my "legal limit" at the LA Weightloss place. I skipped my Friday appoiontment due to my "condition." I am doing okay with eating, I guess, but trying to tighten up my act. The week before last I was outta town and got no exercise. This last week I exercised 4 hours. This week I am scheduled to exercise 4 hours. Today I felt pretty good in my clothes.
Speaking about other beauty matters, Friday I got my back masage, for which I go to a brilliant Brazilian massose (how the heck you spell that?). She is a woman (of course). I go every other Friday for my tight back and shoulders. I get my nails done about every ten days. I color my hair a very "natural" looking blond with three different colors of highlights, to look like it did when I was in my twenties. I just got my clothes dry cleaned.
Being a woman takes effort, but it is worth it to look like an elegant woman. Not that I look that way, but I want to be that certain sort of woman, who is a woman, but is not an overly sensualized woman. Just one that exudes confidence of God - llike the verse of the triumphant fragrance of Christ. To His glory. God bless anyone who reads this and may it encourage you to stand firm in the grace that is in Christ.
I wonder - is LA Weight Loss a little tooooo legalistic?? Just wondering - but to be within 3 pounds of your goal - seems to be a VICTORY in itself :)
I would love to be 3 pounds from where I should be - but reality for me is - that I have been working hard since March of this year - and I am still 50 pounds from my goal!! YUCK - and I wish it didn't take so much effort to be beautiful on the outside...but I do think it is worth the effort!!!
Can ya tell - I am a little down about the weight thing :(
Hope you have a great great Thanksgiving! And thanks for your constant support on the journey!
Kimber, it took me ten years to get to this goal weight. Yeah, I was REALLY REALLY down about it. That is called, normal. I lost 75 pounds over about the last 2-3 years.
I had me a sit-down with God and really cried out for Him to help and the results took years!
I am not actually 3 pounds from my goal weight but 8 pounds. They allow you 5 pounds, and I have counted that ceiling to be my "goal weight" but that weight is actually the top of the range.
For me, I needed delieverence from addiction of glutany. It is a spiritual battle. It is a fleshly battle. It means permanent dieting and restriction, but also a wonderful feeling of being greater than the food that is place before you.
It is nearly impossible to be successful permamently. God needed to intervene for me and I needed to really care about this matter, and have specific guidance and a game plan over a number of years, and failures. You can do it, but don't try to do it like an Army of one. Don't give up. Okay, give up. Then wait for God. He has to help you, because it is just reasonable that He would. I hope this is helpful. Perhaps God has given you this desire to overcome this, because through overcoming this problem, He can be a greater part of your life, deeper than you could have ever imagined....
Thanks for sharing all of this with me! I didn't realized that your weight loss took a few years.
For me, I feel like on the whole - I am being pretty good with food - and pretty good with exercise - and I have never been this heavy in my entire life - so it is depressing - I am also not use to the weight coming off sooo sooo slow. Before, if I needed to lose a few pounds - all I had to do was cut out a few things - and within a month - I would be fine...NOT so NOW.
I am sure some of that is age related - and again - I have never had to lose 65 pounds before - so this is all new for me.
I do hate the slow process - and am crying out to the Lord all the time - I know He is faithful - and that I can't be like a drill sargent - but I hate this right now.
But your words are very encouraging - and your journey is inspiring - so thanks!!
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