Well, the weight hopped back down again. I think I should graph my weight and plot it according to when I get my period. Anybody have a program for that and feel like plugging in the numbers for me? Well, just thought I'd ask.
I'm enjoying reading SHAPE magazine. I bought a second issue and found it helpful. I read through the first several pages while I got my nails done yesterday. I keep my nails real short (for fake nails). They look really natural. They are french tip with a light coat of polish. At the SHAPE web site they have a calorie counter log thing, but I decided I didn't want to do that. At least not yet, but maybe I will soon.
I'm getting tired of phase one of Maker's Diet, but only 6 days left and then I will go into phase two, when I think that I can eat things like Barley. I'll have to read about it soon. If by the end of Maker's Diet, the 8 week program that I am on, if I am 150 pounds, I will be happy. Then I'll figure how to get off the final five. Who cares if it takes till Fall? (Well, hopefully not that long - but the trick is to keep it off and not let the pound creep back when I think that I can get away with certain things.)
I'll also have to buy more vitamins. I cut back on all of those pills. That is a lot of money to swallow. I have vitamins at home that I want to use up also. I am going to buy some more though, and try to stick to them a bit, just not maybe three times a day perhaps. I forget about it and so what?
I'm feeling a little less compulsive about exercising today, but I ought not. If I do push-ups in AM and PM and do these abd crunch/bicycle twist things in AM and PM and go for a walk from 5:30 to 5:55 when I have some time. That should allow me to pass for the day. Lord help me.
You know, I am so dependent upon the Lord to even want to do these things. I am so glad that a few of those extra pounds came on that built up over the months. Getting down another ten may reasonably be concluded is impossible in and of myself. I give it to You Lord. Amen.
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