For Women Only: An Ordinary Woman's Diet, Fitness, Weight and Beauty Log and Diary

I want to glorify Christ in my body, and I am learning how to do that. My name means "womanly," but what does that mean? When I became a new wife and Christian, I went on a mission to understand Biblical womanhood, focusing on her from the inside. In more recent years, as my body succumbed to the pull of glutony, gravity and aging, I am focusing as well on my physical appearance. I am learning how God would have me live as a beautiful woman (and aren't we all?) in this world for His glory.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Day by Day

Things are going well in Tennessee as far as keeping on my "diet plan." It is kind of hard not eating all of the offerings offered up in our society, but that is why Americans are fat and unhealthy. The devil's happy when we hurt our bodies. It is hard standing alone. I am FINE the way that I am now. I am NOT complaining but am thankful. But 145 is my physiological best weight, so I am trying to get there.

As far as exercise, I have nearly no opportunity to exercise. Well, I take that back. I can walk - right now for example, I could walk, but I am feeling a little lazy. I do so much enjoy my exercise routine at home and pray that the Lord would enable me to continue that routine, as well as exercise out of the routine and excel still more.

I've been meaning to find out about Christian type stretch exercises that resemble yoga on the internet. I think I'll do that now while I have a chance.....Five minutes later: Well, that was fast. I'm back. There is a Christ-centered yoga class and program out of the Alabama area, that has expanded to a whole bunch of states, including California, but only one location in Southern California. I think that I requested information sent to my email address back home about starting a Christ centered yoga class! Oh my! Just the excitment I like! We'll see what happens.


At 8:30 PM, Blogger Kimber said...

I'm with ya girl - can't wait to hear re: Christian Yoga :)

Not much time for me to exercise this week while watching my son play at Cooperstown Dreams Park in New York. Trying to still eat healthy...but feeling like a "slug" for just sitting and watching my son - even though it makes me so proud and I am beaming in excitement for him...hope I don't gain to much this week :) Pray for me :) And I am prayin for ya too!

At 9:46 PM, Blogger An Ordinary Christian said...

I haven't exercied in one week as of tomorrow. God be with you and with your self-control - it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit! What a wonderful thing to experience with your son. That is fantastic.


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