For Women Only: An Ordinary Woman's Diet, Fitness, Weight and Beauty Log and Diary

I want to glorify Christ in my body, and I am learning how to do that. My name means "womanly," but what does that mean? When I became a new wife and Christian, I went on a mission to understand Biblical womanhood, focusing on her from the inside. In more recent years, as my body succumbed to the pull of glutony, gravity and aging, I am focusing as well on my physical appearance. I am learning how God would have me live as a beautiful woman (and aren't we all?) in this world for His glory.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Well, this past week can be summerized as follows: I was doing good. I was doing bad. I was doing good. I was doing bad. Good. Bad. Good bad good bad goodbad goodbad goodbad goodbad goodbad goodbad goodbad goodbadgoodbadgoodbadgoodbadgoodbadgoodbadgoodbadgoodbadgoodbadgoodbadgoodbad.
Yeah. Kind a like that.

Hanging in.

My home scale said 142 yesterday. This morning said 146. Is that even possible? Yes, it is.


Smile and wink.

In all things we give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you!


At 10:14 AM, Blogger Kimber said...

Oh girl -you made me really laugh....I had that kind of eating week too.

good bad good bad bad bad good good good bad....

Gained 2lbs - starting my period - missing my sis - almost getting a ticket - kinda week myself....

I can so relate - but hang in there...and I am really goin to try to have a MOSTLY GOOD week next week :) Starting NOW!


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