For Women Only: An Ordinary Woman's Diet, Fitness, Weight and Beauty Log and Diary

I want to glorify Christ in my body, and I am learning how to do that. My name means "womanly," but what does that mean? When I became a new wife and Christian, I went on a mission to understand Biblical womanhood, focusing on her from the inside. In more recent years, as my body succumbed to the pull of glutony, gravity and aging, I am focusing as well on my physical appearance. I am learning how God would have me live as a beautiful woman (and aren't we all?) in this world for His glory.

Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm in spin class now. I didn't like what the scale said this morning, but I likedbthe way my pants fit yesterday and I liked the way my tummy felt last night when I layed in bed (it felt flat). So, I think I lost inches last week but not weight. I'm back in the diet zone today. Last night's in & out burger tasted good.

breakfast: banana, prunes, cheese, yogurt and zone bar, and a little granola: 2 d, 2f, 0.5 s and 1 bar

Is this still the same day? Well, the rest of the day food wise went great, but then I had see's chocolates to make up for how good I had been and concsumed the day's supply of starch, borrowing also a bit of the fruit and vegie category. Hey, I 'm learning.


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