For Women Only: An Ordinary Woman's Diet, Fitness, Weight and Beauty Log and Diary

I want to glorify Christ in my body, and I am learning how to do that. My name means "womanly," but what does that mean? When I became a new wife and Christian, I went on a mission to understand Biblical womanhood, focusing on her from the inside. In more recent years, as my body succumbed to the pull of glutony, gravity and aging, I am focusing as well on my physical appearance. I am learning how God would have me live as a beautiful woman (and aren't we all?) in this world for His glory.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

update once again!

Life is a struggle. This whole weight thing over these past several years, losing 70 pounds and working to keep it off has brought me to a point of humility before the Lord that is good for me.

Over December I went from around 147 consistently on my scale to about 154 or so and those 7 pounds has affected what I can wear and how I look in the clothes. The change in my exercise schedule has affected my body shape also. I miss the way that I was. Trying for all of those months to get down to the 145 actually kept me at a relatively low weight for a long time. Exercising regularly, often over 2 hours several times a week brought me into the best shape that I have every been in my adult life (except maybe when I was a teen or in early 20's, but is that actually considered "adulthood?"). ("Oh, let the grammar go!")

My current beauty schedule has been cut back as my work load has changed and my work focus has changed. I guess I get to go back to the ultra-great beauty lifestyle in a few years after I get some things done. However, I think that there are some things over these past few years that I am not going to quickly forget. Namely, continue to be careful eating! I can not eat just anything that I want to!

So regarding eating, I am trying to eat "LA Light." I am crossing off on a calendar if that day if I ate the "LA Light" way. If I didn’t, but ate pretty well, I write the words, "not perfect" on the side. Over time I am going to get back down to the less than 150, and specifically 147 to be a regular weight, dipping down one a month (cycle) to 145 would be blessed.

Regarding exercise, I am trying to get into a routine to do Pilate work-out 15 - 30 minutes each morning (been about 15 lately) and a yoga stretch 15 minute work-out each evening. I figured I would mix and match some different DVD's. It has been a blessing to go work out two mornings a week and really learn how to do some good exercise and utilize good techniques.

I am hoping/thinking that if I can eat LA Light, being careful and conscientious how I eat, and then exercise about 3-4 hours per week by these videos, I get back to where I was. There is no free lunch.

Regarding my absolutely wonderful massages that I used to enjoy every other Friday morning, my spa lady is getting a divorce and moving out of town.

I get my nails done once a week at one of many various nail places out and about the local town. Drop in and get a spa manicure for 15 dollars. 10 dollars for the basic. It keeps my nails looking tidy. I have them short and clear.

Every three weeks I get my hair perfectly dyed in the specific way for me. About every 6 weeks I get a micro-dermabrasion at the Dermatologist's office.

When I got my nails done yesterday, the nail place had a chair that you can sit in and get a 15 minute back manicure. It was pretty tacky though. I'll probably skip that next time, but I'm not sure.

That's the update!