For Women Only: An Ordinary Woman's Diet, Fitness, Weight and Beauty Log and Diary

I want to glorify Christ in my body, and I am learning how to do that. My name means "womanly," but what does that mean? When I became a new wife and Christian, I went on a mission to understand Biblical womanhood, focusing on her from the inside. In more recent years, as my body succumbed to the pull of glutony, gravity and aging, I am focusing as well on my physical appearance. I am learning how God would have me live as a beautiful woman (and aren't we all?) in this world for His glory.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

152.5 and then 155

One day ago I was 152.5. This AM I was 155, half dressed. Today I got up at 4:58 to go to cycle class. It was kind of hard. Currently I am feeling pretty good. I am planning to go to LA Weightloss tomorrow morning. I am getting reved up to go to the next phase. That is, from this semi-fast (just limited food selections, but not really a fast, per say).

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

another day

it looked like 155 today, if i recall what it looked like at 4:50 this am before i left for cycle class. if i am a little "stopped up " then that really affects the scale, i notice. didn'e exercise yesterday. guess i'm going mostly for the 3 x / wk cycle class. sticking w the diet rules, but probably should have less quantity.

Monday, March 26, 2007

152.5 - 153

two mornings, same weight. actually yesterday was a little lighter, more to the 152.5 side. no exercise since saturday, but working and walking around like a dog.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Today I cycled in the bike class at the club for about 45 minutes. I did not exercise yesterday (is not keeping with the rules, but I did do a lot of walking). I ate only meat and vegies, and dressing yesterday, as is keeping with the rules. Today the scale did not waiver. It was 155. One more week of this diet and then I am advancing to the LA Lite rules of dieting until I run out of LA Lite bars or get to a decent enough weight where I can walk into the place (LA Weightloss) again.

Friday, March 23, 2007

It's hard to see sometimes

Food and eating is such a difficult thing for me. Anyway, today on the scale I was 156. But if I leaned backward on my scale it was 155. If I leaned forward I was 157. When I stand a long time on the scale the number creeps up. It is supposed to be a pretty good scale. Anyway....

Yesterday felt like a wonderful day to eat and I enjoyed all of my food. I stayed within the guidelines previously outlined. However, what I want to do also is to stop eating when I feel full instead of eating more because I think there is opportunity. Perhaps that is why the scale went up.

This, to me, seems the difference between fat-eaters and nonfat-eaters. Fat-eaters are greedy when it comes to food and how much they can squeeze into their mouths. I need to change my perspective and see that when I eat I am not getting something but losing something. I am losing how much I can spend, how many more calories, if you will, that I have left to spend before my thighs get tighter in these pants.

I am sorry that this whole blog is so ego-centric. Either this or fat and along with that the lack of stewardship responsibility that I have over this body. I am charged to take care of it as the temple of God. It is not an easy thing and I am a little toddler in this area so I have to journal this.

I haven't exercised yet today.

There are a lot of other things I do in my life than this. Let's hope so.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

okay, take the good with the bad already

Today the scale is 155. And I worked out this morning at the cycle class. (It is getting harder because the muscles are saying, "be gentle, you're working me.") And last night I did my stretching exercises for about 15 plus minutes. I want to try to do those daily at some point, but if I cycle, I think I'll take a free pass.

Yesterday I did go off the structured routine (which is why this little diet thing I am doing is called a "fast" and had a cranberry juice with alcoholic content (about 4-5 ounces cranberry juice with about one ounce alcohol). I hadn't decided before if I would or would not allow alcohol. The biggest concern with alcohol for me is that I let my guard down and eat, and I didn't do that (eat).

So, I gotta go. The steak is cooking on the stove.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

crazy making

Well, today is 156. I exercised yesterday, but not so far today. I followed the rules I laid out yesterday, except that I'm not really letting myself be hungry, and I would like to try to develop a bit more of that skill.

I caught myself in a reflection yesterday. The big butt is coming back. Everybody still loves me though - of course. Weight problems can be so public. Why is that when eating can be so private? Onward!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Blaa, blaa, blaa, waa, waa, waa

Well, the last two mornings I have been 160 pounds and today my "fat pants" are almost all filled in. They aren't really fat pants, but anyway.

How come when I start to attempt to get back on the band wagon, things seem to get worse?

I exercised 40 plus minutes (partly in the at the cycle class) today at the club, getting up at 4:50 AM to do so. I kept telling myself that "I am a winner" because who else but "winners" would get up at 4:50 AM and keep trying to stay and get back in shape? However, my enthusiasm and monotone voice were in stark contrast to the words.

I didn't exercise yesterday (sad). It was a hard day in parts yesterday, like a grind. (Picture a GRIND as in grounding coffee beans)

So far this semi-fast thing is missing on the "fast" part. But I'm trying! It's a new day and "I'm a winner." God bless.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Day one

158 this AM on my scale. Goal is to get to 147 by Easter and then to eat nice after that. If I don't get there by then, I will persist.

Today I bagan my fast - of sorts. My "fast" is eating limited to meats and vegies, but prunes for regularilty is okay. A little oil, dressing is okay. Overeating is not okay. My goal is to limit the food to that needed to keep from going insane. That is, to try to clear out my stomach and guts, not cram in as much as I can.

My goal is to do this for 14 days. Following that is the LA Diet regimen along with the portions as mandated by the program.

Daily exercise is the expectation, at least ten minutes at home with cycling at the club 3 times per week.

Lots of water, but other drinks are okay including cafeinated, but try to go easy. I think Spenda may give me a headache.

Also, I am taking vitamins and I need to order some more because I am running out and am out of a lot of them already.

Isn't this exciting - NOT. Really, anyone reading this, doesn't have to. It is just a log for me. But feel free to follow along, as long as you keep all criticisms to yourself!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Lord Willing

What a feeble life! What a poor excuse for a life! I am not speaking of myself as an entire person, but limited only to this flesh - this feeble body!

I lack self-control. Romans chapter 7 says, "What I want to do, I do not do, and what I do not want to do, that I do! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Jesus Christ my Lord!"

The road is long and I grow weary.

"Pray that you do not enter into temptation, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

"Do not grow weary in well doing for in due time you shall reap if you don't give up."

I was reading in the devotional by Oswald Chambers, "My Utmost for His Highest" that we can't really even do anything. I mean, if I lay out a bunch of plans, am I, in and of myself able to accomplish them? No.

However, "God is faithful. He will not allow you to be teampted beyond what you are able to bear, but with it will provide a way of escape so that you may bear up under it."

So with that in mind, I have yet a new plan. I don't want to detail it now. Just let me say that I am hoping to sign in quickly and often to detail how I'm doing. This blog actually is called "a log." A blog log.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

New Beginnings, again and again

My pants are tight. Need I say more? Well, yes, I shall. My pants are tight but they fit! And my witts are about me.

This is what I think that the problem has been as to why my pants are tight. I've have a change of lifestyle that is not entirely my "fault." I used to be able to work out Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 AM until 11:15 and every other Friday available for a massage from 9 AM until 10:15 and on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays I finished work at 2:30 to go pick up the children. WOW. That was cool. What a fun life.

Then, things changed. But God has a plan! (Of course!) Anyway, now I basically work about 9ish until whenevever I finish which is around 5 or 6 and sometimes later and usually on weekends also.

So, I suppose things could be worse.

What I am trying to do is work-out at 5 AM, then do Bible Study at 6ish and also get the children off to school, also get myself ready and leave about 9 AM. This is what I am trying to wiggle myself into.

I starting drinking diet cokes again, but one day I will quit again. They're just not good for you! If something gives you a headache, doesn't that mean that there is a problem with the brain? Something is hurting, called pain, because of tissue damage, in the brain. That doesn't sound good. Anyway.

I am also trying to do some daily exercises on my own. The ten minute rule. Exercise at least ten minutes every day. That is what I am trying to do.

I am also having to eat more according to what I know to do is best.

I spent an entire year getting into the best shape of my life and then I "spent" it in about six weeks eating and fluffing around. It is amazing how quickly the body loses strength and cardiovascular breating/exercise capacity in an almost 45 year old woman!

It is okay. Time to move on!

I miss the clothes I used to be able to wear but now I don't because I want to cover my thighs more.


I am about 155 my scale. I need to go to LA Weightloss Monday, but don't want to. But I'm going to have to do it. I got down to as low as 140 my scale but really 147 my scale is just where I want to be. (It is not only the scale, but the muscle tone.)

Life! Ahh, ugh! It is hard!

"The flesh fights against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh so that you can not do the things you want to do (Romans 7, I think)."

"But in all these things we are more than conquerers through Christ who loves us!"