I was at the airport last night and I could take it absolutely no longer. No longer I tell you. I bought a brownie and a diet coke. Enjoyed it too. Then I ate 100 calorie sack of Wheat Thins. Then I decided that I did not have the mental power to get down to my 143-145 weight and that I had to go back to LA Weightloss. With that having been decided upon, I took it upon myself to call off dieting for the next two days, until I go into LA Weight loss on Monday morning.
When I got home and looked at my mail, I found out that Monday, of all days, is LA Weightloss "Grand Re-opening" and I can lost up to 20 pounds free! Well great. I only want to lose about ten, so I am set. Monday morning I will go.
Today with all restraints off, I hardly even felt like eating that crap that I had craved. Don't get me wrong. I ate ice cream, candy, brownies, chocolate frosting. Let's see if there is anything else....No, I don't think so.
That crap is just crappy. Like I said before, if you ban that stuff all together, it is just a matter of time when you have to compensate, kind of like extra tics after a person with tics holds them all in....Don't ask. A little psychiatric colloquialism there; pardon me.
I didn't exercise today for two reasons, one of which was the fact that I spent a bunch of hours in a spontaneous creative project that absorbed all of my time and interest. The second reason was a felt kind of bad abandoning my kids that are all home right now to go to the gym for two and a half hours.
When I was walking around this evening I felt my pants baggy and loose. And do you know what? These are my goal pants at one time. Almost all of my goal clothes that I have had for the past year and a half I am getting ready to dump.
Being the weight that I was when I was married will really be strange. It has been SO many years. What a trip.
I just let loose today and went off routine, but I think that it is fine. Kind of like a post two month program sabbatical. It will get me ready for LA Weightloss on Monday. I am going to try to incorporate some of the good eating from The Maker's Diet.